About Us
Our Vision
The Wyomissing Church of the Brethren will be a loving, accepting community of believers.
Together we will encourage and support each other both to grow spiritually through Jesus' teachings and to actively, personally serve the community, both locally and beyond, so that God's love is shared through us.
Pastor Josh
Pastor Josh Tindall was called to be our Interim Pastor in April 2023.
Josh's roots are in the Brethren Church, having served as Pastor of Worship & Music for over 16 years at Elizabethtown Church of the Brethren.
Josh decided to join us here at WCOTB after serving as pastor for a short time at the Wesleyan Church of the Cross, Carlisle Pa.
Josh has been an Elizabethtown native for over 20 years, having graduated from Etown High School in 1997. He went on to pursue music and business degrees from Lebanon Valley College and served as adjunct instructor of piano and Jazz Studies. He graduated from Lancaster Theological Seminary in 2017.
Josh enjoys the opportunity to combine his passions for music and ministry. In his spare time he enjoys spending time with his family and friends and making music.
Who we are
We are a Christian church, a local congregation of the Church of the Brethren denomination.
Our worship services are fairly traditional. We don't have much pageantry or pomp. We're "low church" with an emphasis on creating a loving community.
We don't tell you what to believe.
We support you on your faith journey.
Diversity in thought is welcomed! We all grow when thoughts and beliefs are respectfully shared.
Children K through Grade 5 join their parents in church for the first part of the worship service. They are then excused to Children's Church. There are activity bags for young kids if you choose not to send them to the nursery.
Music is a huge part of our service. Our band, Notes of Faith, plays once a month. It's a more contemporary sound. A large church choir sings from September to June. Special music is showcased June-August. Anyone can join the choir or the band.
The Wyomissing Church of the Brethren was officially organized on January 1, 1898, in the City of Reading, as The First Church of the Brethren. In 1960, we moved to 2200 State Hill Road, Wyomissing Hills, Pa., now part of the Borough of Wyomissing. In 2009, we completed construction on our current church building and changed our name to the Wyomissing Church of the Brethren.

Deacons assist the pastor in ministering to the needs of members and friends of the church. Specific duties include preparation for communion and love feast, baptism, anointing, dedications, etc.